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Terracotta Art (Clay) The Period of Majapahit

HISTORY OF CULTURETerracotta Art (Clay) The Period of Majapahit | Traces the history of the kingdom of Majapahit relics scattered in-tinggalannya found in Mojokerto, East Java. There are many artifacts that can explain many things including the economic life of society. Terracotta, for example, or craft clay Majapahit era. Terracotta Art is one character in the Majapahit culture is very well known and many were found. The results of this art is known from tinggala-remnants are found either in the form of statues, water tanks, vases, flower vases, decorative roofs, tiles, walls, wells (prostitute), pitcher, or a piggy bank.

Trowulan and surrounding areas are assumed to be the site of the Majapahit Kingdom City mother found the types of items made and burned clay or terracotta in a number of very abundant. It can be concluded that when the terracotta is very involved in the lives of the city. Site Trowulan Majapahit terracotta and very rich manifold, among them such as building elements (brick, tile, prostitute wells, pipelines), containers (pots, tubs, jugs, jars, dolls, vases), religious ritual (ritual offering, Signet), and other practical needs tools such as scales, and lamp (clupak). Most of the terracotta is alleged is a local-made because it was found that the form pelandas production tools. Apart from terracotta, in Site Trowulan found also a variety of objects made of metal and stone materials such as bells, urns and statues Amrita, who has had a fairly high artistic value.

In the Majapahit era of knowledge about the manufacture of goods suspected of baked clay can be described by very simple principle, namely to create a form or model of clay, dried in the sun, and burned in the fire. Although the principle is simple, based on the observations can be known, that the results of terracotta art in various forms does not have a birth defect caused by lack of knowledge in the manufacturing process. This indicates that the maker of art objects. In Trowulan also found a miniature terra-cotta building, consisting of various forms exist that describe this miniature shrine (temple) and there are described various forms of house building. Viewed from the roof of buildings there is a roofed canopy rurmah, village, pyramid, and gonjong. Roof coverings are made of tiles, shingles, bamboo, and roofed or thatched. Existing buildings can be divided into open structure without walls and buildings are closed.

One of the findings (artefacts) from the Site Trowulan terracotta statues of animals that share is hollow so that the statue was visible very fat and depicted in a sitting position; on the back given the narrow elongated holes, as this form of statues reminiscent of 'piggy bank' as a place / container to save money. In addition to statues of animals, 'piggy bank' other terracotta there is a regular sphere shaped like a 'ball' with the given handle on top and a little decoration (Muller, 1978: 27).

In development terms piggy bank (toy pig)
derived from the word boar, or wild boar
not only used to refer to the money box
in the form of pigs, but also to the box of money in another form.

So far there is a box of money that most of the largest pig-shaped measuring approximately 45 cm and height 31 cm. In addition there is an example of stem-shaped money box pig tails surrounded by four children. Until now in East Java the term used to refer to the pig-shaped money box is a piggy bank. Being an animal piggy bank is not without meaning. This form of expressive human who considers a number of animals to mark certain symbols. Pigs are believed to form as a form of prosperity.

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