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Similarity Ceremony of West Sumatra and Bengkulu

HISTORY OF CULTURESimilarity Ceremony of West Sumatra and Bengkulu | In the traditional ceremony, in Sumatera. Tabuik and Tabot is the similarity of the diverse cultures of West Sumatra and Bengkulu, to the offer in commemorating Prophet Muhammad's grandson. Here are the origins of culture.


Derived from the word 'ark', from Arabic which means paraded, tabuik ceremony is a tradition of community on the west coast, West Sumatra, which was held very day. The ceremony was held on the day Asuras who fell on the 10th of Muharram, the Islamic calendar. That said, Tabuik brought by Shi'a adherents from the middle east to Pariaman, as a memorial to the battle of Karbala. This ceremony is also a symbol and expression of a deep sense of sorrow and respect for Muslims in Pariaman against the Prophet Muhammad's grandson. Because the excitement and uniqueness in every pagelarannya, local government was then put Tabuik ceremony in West Sumatra tourism agenda and held every year.
Two weeks before the implementation of the ceremony Tabuik, residents Pariaman been busy doing a variety of preparations. They make as well as various snacks, cakes and Tabuik typical. In this period, there are also people who run a special ritual, which is fasting. Aside from being the name of the ceremony, Tabuik also pinned to the names of objects which become an important component in this ritual. Tabuik numbered two and made of bamboo and wood. The form of horse-bodied animals, human heads, a robust and winged. By umatIslam, this animal called Buraq and considered a magical beast. On the back Tabuik, made a milestone as high as about 15 m. Tabuik then decorated with red and other colors and will be in the wine later.

Massacre Hussain, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad in Padang Karbala, Yazid bin Muawiya by troops from the dynastic Ummayah, incised strokes deep history for Muslims in the world. Aside from being the name of the ceremony, Tabuik also pinned to the names of objects which become an important component in this ritual. Tabuik numbered two and made of bamboo and wood. The form of horse-bodied animals, human heads, a robust and winged. By Muslims, this animal called Buraq and is considered a magical beast. On the back Tabuik, made a milestone as high as about 15 m. Tabuikkemudian decorated in red and other colors and will be in the wine later.

Just in time, began to be appointed and Tabuik carnival began. One Tabuik appointed by the bearers of which amounted to 40 people. Behind Tabuik, traditionally dressed group of people who bring a variety of percussion instruments drums, helped fill the ranks. During the procession took place, all carnival participants chanted, "Hayya Hayya Hussain Hussain ...!" As an expression of respect for the Prophet Muhammad's grandson. Occasionally, the procession stopped and dozens of people who play the typical martial arts into action as he accompanied Minang tetabuhan. At sunset, the procession came to an end. Both Tabuik brought to shore and further out to sea dilarung. This is done because there is a belief that this dibuangnyaTabuik into the sea, may dispose of bad luck.

In addition, this moment is also believed to be the time Buraq fly to the sky, carrying all kinds arakannya. When compared with Tabuik ceremony that was held ten years ago, the ceremony Tabuik the present is different. At that time, Tabuikdibuat by two groups of people from different camps and then pitted against each other. In the process, not infrequently followed by scuffles the residents of the two camps.

Now, the element of violence that had been found on Tabuik it has been eliminated. The ceremony is more directed to an interesting cultural attractions and can be consumed by the tourists. Besides watching Tabuik ceremonial procession, the tourists can wander in traditional markets and bazaars are held in line with this celebration. Enjoy also salaluk and rakik Maco, Pariaman a lot of typical food sold on the beach. Unfortunately, until now, implementation of the ceremony Tabuik not worked optimally. There are still a number of problems were encountered in its implementation, especially in terms of funding.

Tabuik celebration this year which fell in February last example. This event almost came to fruition. Local government even announced through mass media such cancellation plan. However, thanks to the earnestness Pariaman citizen to hold this event, Tabuik finally be held and can be enjoyed by all visitors.


The ceremony is held for 10 days, ie every 1st until 10th of Muharram. At first, the core of the ceremony is to commemorate the efforts Tabot Shiite leader and his people put together the pieces of the body Hussein, parading and memakamnya in Padang Karbala.

The term comes from the Arabic word Tabot (ark) which literally means "wooden box" or "crate". In the Koran the word Tabot known as a chest containing the Torah. Israelites of that time believed that they would get good if this appears Tabot and is in the hands of their leaders. Instead they will disastrously when it was lost.

There are no written records from the ceremony when Tabot becoming known in Bengkulu. However, tradition is strongly suspected that depart from the ritual mourning followers of Shi'ism was brought by the masons who built the Fort Marlborought (1718-1719) in Bengkulu. The builder is, have to come by England from Madras and Bengal in southern India which happens to be the adherents of Shia Islam.

Workers who feel comfortable with the grammar of life of Bengkulu, led by Imam Senggolo alias Sheikh Burhanuddin, decided to stay and establish a new settlement called File, now known as the Central Village Padang. Tradition brought from Madras and Bengal bequeathed to their descendants who have been assimilated with the indigenous communities Bengkulu and produce offspring, known as the people Sipai.

Mourning traditions brought from their country of origin has experienced assimilation and acculturation with the local culture, and then inherited and institutionalized into what became known as Tabot ceremony. Tabot ceremony is increasingly extends from Bengkulu to Painan, Padang, Pariaman, Maninjau, Pidie, Banda Aceh, Meuleboh and Singkil. But in its development, activities Tabot disappeared in many places. Until in the end only in two places, namely in the name of the Tabot Bengkulu and West Sumatra in Pariaman (go around the year 1831) with the title Tabuik. Both are the same, but the implementation is somewhat different ways.

If at first Tabot ceremony used by the Shi'ites to commemorate the death of Hussein ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib, since the people Sipai escape the influence of Shi'ism, the ceremony is performed only as a family obligation to fulfill the testament of their ancestors . Later, since the last decade, in addition to carrying out the will of ancestors, the ceremony is also intended as a form of participation of the people Sipai in coaching and cultural development of Bengkulu.

Social and cultural conditions, it seems, is also the cause of differences in the manner of implementation of the ceremony Tabot. In Bengkulu, Tabotnya amounted to 17 that indicates the number of families who carry out initial Tabot. Tabot in Bengkulu in the waste into the sea as it once buried in Karbela. However, in its development, Tabot in Bengkulu dumped in the swamps around the cemetery known as the tomb believed to be a place Karbela dimakamnya Senggolo alias Imam Sheikh Burhanuddin.

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