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The History Of Sanskrit

HISTORY OF CULTURE | The History Of Sanskrit | Sanskrit is one of the Indo-European language of the oldest that is still unknown and its history including the longest. Language that can match the 'age' of this language from the Indo-European language family Hitit language only. Sanskrit word, meaning in Sanskrit is the language Saṃskṛtabhāsa perfect. That is, opponents of Prakerta language, or languages ​​of the people. Sanskrit is a classical language of India, a liturgical language of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, and one of 23 official languages ​​of India. This language also has the same status in Nepal. 
Position in the culture of South Asia and Southeast Asia similar to the position of Latin and Greek in Europe. Sanskrit developed into many modern languages ​​in India anakbenua. This language appears in the form of pre-classical as the language of the Vedas. Contained in the book of Rigveda is the oldest and most phase arkhais. This text is ditarikhkan derived from approximately 1700 BC and Vedic Sanskrit is the language of the Indo-Aryans encountered the oldest and one of the members of Indo-European language family is the oldest.

Treasures of Sanskrit literature which includes poetry has a rich tradition, drama and scientific texts, technical, philosophical, and religious. Today Sanskrit is still widely used as a ceremonial language in Hindu ceremonies in the form of stotra and mantra. Sanskrit language spoken is still used in some traditional institutions in India and there are even some attempts to revive the Sanskrit language. Which will be discussed in this article is the Classical Sanskrit as reviewed in the Sanskrit grammarian Panini essay, in about the year 500 BC.

Samskrta-adjective meaning "cultured". The language referred to as VAK samskrta "cultured language" by definition is always a language that "high", used for religious purposes and scientific purposes and contrary to the language used by the commoners. The language is also called deva-bhāṣā which means "language of the Gods".

Grammar of Sanskrit is the oldest still preserved bouquet of Panini and entitled the U.S. * ādhyāyī ("Grammar Eight Chapters") more or less ditarikh derived from the 5th century BC. Grammar is primarily a normative or prescriptive grammar is mainly set up how to use the Baku and not descriptive, though grammar also contains descriptive passages, especially about the Vedic forms that had not been used again in the days of Panini.

Including Sanskrit Indo-Aryan branch of Indo-European language family. Together with the Iranian languages, including Sanskrit Indo-Iranian language family and is part of a group Satem languages ​​Indo-European, which also includes the Balto-Slavic branch.

When the term appears in the Indian language of Sanskrit, the language is not viewed as a distinct language from other languages, but primarily as a form of refined or cultured in speaking. Knowledge of Sanskrit was a marker of social class and language are taught mainly to members of higher castes, through careful analysis of the Sanskrit tatabahasawan like Panini. Sanskrit as a language learned in India is next Prakreta languages ​​which is the language of the people and eventually evolved into languages ​​of modern Indo-Aryan (Hindi, Assamese language, Urdu, Bengali and so on). Most of the Dravidian languages ​​of India, although a part of different language families, they are greatly influenced by Sanskrit, especially in the form of loan words.

Kannada, Telugu and Malayalam have picked the largest number of words while the Tamil language has the lowest. The influence of Sanskrit on these languages ​​recognized by Tat Same discourse ("equal") and Tat Bhava ("rooted"). Meanwhile Sanskrit itself is also a substratum influence of Dravidian languages ​​since the very beginning.

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