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Bury Jars in Jambi Province

HISTORY OF CULTUREBury Jars in Jambi Province | In Jambi grave jars found in Lebak Bandung, City of Edinburgh (Widiatmoko, 1997), Renah dandruff, Merangin (Bonatz, 2005; Budisantosa, 2006), Lubuk Mentilin, Merangin (Budisantosa, 2007), and Lolo Gedang, Kerinci (Sudaryadi, 2007 ). Outside Indonesia, the grave jars found in Vietnam and the Philippines. Grave jars in Indonesia is grave archaeological treasure humans using container jars of clay. Past research has shown the grave jars among others found in Melolo, East Nusa Tenggara (Heekern, 1956), Lambanapu, East Nusa Tenggara (Yuliati, 1998), Gilimanuk, Bali (Soejono, 1969), Plawangan, Central Java (Prasetyo, 1994), Kunduran and Betung Estuary, South Sumatra (Soeroso, 1998), Payang Estuary, South Sumatra (Indriastuti, 2002), Padang Sepan, Bengkulu (Indriastuti, 2003).

Gedang Lolo is a village located about 23 km south-east of the River Full, the capital of Kerinci district. In the village of Lolo Gedang megalith found objects also called? Rock gongs?. Megalith object is 1.5 miles to the south of the grave jars. Also, it was found obsidian tools? Mikrolit? Dutch plantations in the area called Lake Gedang Estate (Heekern, 1972) and are now changing the name of the New Garden Lolo.

Recently the research team from the Institute for Archaeology Palembang, led by Tri Marhaeni S. Budisantosa conduct excavations at the tomb jars Gedang Lolo. Eksksvasi unlock ten excavations box measuring 2 × 2 meters. In the five boxes were found buried jars. The situation is broken or cracked. Jars tend to fall or tilt downward slope (east). This was allegedly due to natural processes, namely the soil compression force of the slope that goes up and down continuously. However, land filling jars allegedly been going on since the soil because crock pots are not closed. So, which is found in the Lolo Gedang a single jar, not a crock pair as found in Melolo, Gilimanuk, Plawangan, Kunduran, and Estuary Betung. Bury jars in Lolo Gedang vary in terms of size, depth, and artifacts that are in it.

Large jars tend to be deeper than the small jars. Jars found in the rest of the bones have been broken and charcoal. Also, found the grave of things packed container shaped pottery jars and bowls. Previously people found the pitcher without a spout in the crock. Jars found in only one type of container. Other stock items grave is a small bronze objects which allegedly pendant because at one end perforated. The residents also find miniature jars nekara bronze. Crushed bronze objects found in virtually all jars were found. The third tomb type of stock object found is a round object like a coin. Coins were made of smooth black clay. On the sides are decorated lidded scratches eight shaped flowers bloom. One coin is only decorated on one side only. Coin-shaped objects are found only in one jar.

In general the grave jars Gedang Lolo has much in common with other regions in Indonesia. Bury jars in Lolo Gedang looks different in size, kedalamannnya in the soil, and the provision of the grave who all showed differences in the way burial in a community. Such differences may be related to individual age, gender, and social status. Moreover, the existence of grave stock show confidence in life after death.

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