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Procedure for Marriage Ceremony Of Lembak Tribe

HISTORY OF CULTUREProcedure for Marriage Ceremony Of Lembak Tribe | The marriage ceremony Lembak tribes in general who are in Bengkulu and especially those residing in the city of Bengkulu at essentially the same, with the degree of sequence as follows:
  1. Before the marriage ceremony, performed kegitatan from menindai (see compatibility), betanye (ask), or fuse violence Ngatat Tande (berasan), and Engaged (Eat Ketan),
  2. Marriage Ceremony (Kerje / Bapelan), is a sequence of events began to choose kind of hesitation, Arai Concentrated (Kenduri Sekulak), Married, Night Napa, Arai Becerita (Walimahan), and until finally menyalang (wild).

Before the Marriage Ceremony

Selection of a mate on the indigenous tribes Lembak period sometime before the 1950s was still dominated by the desire of the parents (father, mother or a male or female), known as hardening tue. Then there is also the selection of a mate is expressed by the child because they are attracted to someone who conveyed to his parents, if parents wish to continue pleasing then, when parents are not pleased so parents will not continue. Despite the dominance of the parents are still strong but usually on Indigenous Tribes Lembak many parents still ask first for his child to express his desire to match with the child-so-so. The real but asked the child is actually more focused emphasis on notification only, it is because parents are more dominant dominsai. Of the two forms of mate selection is good domination parents and children expressed a desire to parents, the process is carried out starting from the fixed menindai (observing and evaluating).

Parental dominance condition is possible at that time the absence of a more liberal media for young couples to meet and mingle, it more closely. The meeting can only be done when there is a wedding hall in a short time. The dominance of parents to mate at the time of this determination will be apparent when the case on more than 24 years of age for women has not menemukankan soul mate. In cases like these active parents are very clear.


Menindai is an activity undertaken by the families of men in observing and evaluating how the match when his son later married into the family (her son) who ditindai. Penindaian process is usually performed by male parents or male experts (such as uncle, progenitor, aunt or grandmother). In doing penindaian visible aspects include:
Family circumstances of women in the sense of family integrity and personality (Aspect Descendants). Behavior, adherence to religion, and includes rupawannya ditindai girl, Crafts and the ability of the women in cooking and so on. The conclusion of the assessment is known as Semengga (meet all criteria assessment conducted earlier).

To craft and skill of the girls in cooking over the past usually the most readily observable by the way: craft will be assessed as well as her house is always clean, neat, and made his home under the salary putung (firewood is arranged under the house, usually home in the community is the home stage Lembak) a lot around the house. To assess the ability of the cooking usually by a party of men would send Kakonan (Courier, like the aunt or grandmother) to visit the girl's home.

If according to the assessment of the family of man there is a match after talking to family on the results of observation and assessment Kakonan together then the process will proceed with betanye (ask) to the family of women. When the match was originally submitted by the child's desire to ask his parents to menindai, then the process penindaian apply as the above process. For now there is a change, which for the determination of a mate is up to the will and the assessment of children, however at this time if you have the desire with the whole village or a hamlet, the activities menindai still looks worn, although the assessment tool such as a sense of the cuisine and the existence of salary putung (wood fuel) under the house no longer exists.

Betanye (Ask)

Betanye means is the first step on the part of men to convey his passion and asked whether the women (girls) have not been marked or promised or betrothed to another man. If the intent if not then disampaikanlah / hajad, to tie an engagement with young girl in the family-tanye (asked). For that the men usually meninta time when we could come up (such intentions is to put the signs / characteristics (Ngatat Tande). At that time then we will usually receive an answer when we asked to come on the appointed day because they want to agree in advance first, for it will have to wait and come on the designated day.

Envoy at betanye which is usually around 3 or 4 people from the immediate family or a mother and father. The tool is brought Foreword complete with lime, areca nut, and so are wrapped with a white handkerchief overlay. Having arrived at a predetermined time, then at the second coming, the messenger is usually still a close family, that the intention is to Ngatat tande (Association of engagement). Characteristics / signs are usually given in two forms, namely: the form of money or valuables in the form of gold (rings).

If the mark is received when it also agreed to when it will be an engagement (attract violence / engaged), anything what is required as a condition. Commonly requested demand can be: a certain sum of (its value depends on agreements and economic conditions and the ability of men sepacara worth), buffalo or goat with the tail so pembawaanya (as is usually done infrequently, usually worth the money has been replaced with or how many pounds of meat). Keris sebila (called Tukat Up), the function of the keris is a weapon and a sign of manhood and responsibility, and sometimes required also sewar (called Pera mate) who use to be given to the shaman of the girl. Apart from that it is usually requested arrival to become engaged to the man to bring equipment such engagement: lemang, bowsprit pandanus, gelamai, and bajek (Diamonds). There are times when these additional ingredients are not asked the woman at the betrothal ceremony will cook rice only (Ketan berkuah).

Implementation betanye (ask) for the time being already loose, and this process tends to have been lost, it is because bertanye process can be performed by both partners, because they have the media to meet (associate or in a language called dim Lembak Mate and communicate with each other's heart .

When the men had been agreed then the talks will dilajutkan the determination about when to schedule the men can come again to deliver the requested it (engaged). Demand in the engaged condition by requesting a keris is rarely done (as customary provisions only) and the demand for livestock such as buffaloes, goats, cows and others made in the form of meat (batai) pounds or so has been replaced in the form of money. To sebilah sewar currently not found again. Additional requests such as lemang, bajek, gelamai and others at the moment will bertungan had almost disappeared, including the Inland Lembak area. If there was an agreement both parties either through the first process or through a subsidiary it will dilanjukan engaged in the process.


As explained above, that in earlier times Lembak society in choosing a partner is only through the agreement of parents or known by the term violence tue, where after there is agreement between both parties then both tied in rope engagement is characterized by the presence of (tande) from party men. However, in line with the times and the number of interactions between media flunky girls then this option is no longer dependent on their parents, where when they already feel there is a match to step up to the level of marriage and the single parent immediately apply to the parents of the girl. In the event this application is usually straight talk about marriage and the implementation plan does not take too long, as it also determines how much money delivery requested by the family of the woman.

Engaged night / attract violence.

After a day and time agreed upon arriving engaged, then the men would come to be engaged to carry what has been agreed (mainly in the form of money, while barupa items such as buffalo and pembawaanya) will be submitted when requested by the girl. Apart from delivering the requirements to be met, then at that time also discussed when to schedule a wedding done, for the determination of the schedule at the time as a benchmark is when the harvest period. If the engagement is still in one hamlet (village) then katuas (depati / stakeholder), priests, preachers and bilal women should wait at home or be in the entourage of family men. If between the two candidates differ hamlet then the male carrying indigenous leader, imam and preacher, and so on.

In ancient times the personal engagement that related quite a lot because to carry or deliver the desired requirements such as a few hundred rods lemang, betel leaves and flowers, cake (Joda) as bajek and so requires a lot of people. In addition to that included in the father was engaged as well as mothers. At night the parents engaged men did not participate, because they've let go (surrender) to Rajopenghulu to perform the engagement. Engagement at this time are a little loose, because there are two models of engagement: the first as the old custom in which the engagement to do well before marriage, and the second engagement was held just days before the wedding called Eat Ketan (engagement kerje so).

Kerje engagement so this is often done because of the sudden with the shortness of time or it can also occur because of an accident or be incorrect (pregnant before marriage). If the reason for the shortness of time and cost it before getting engaged kerje done so just put a sign (trait). Time engaged in the past usually done well before the implementation of marriage (can be in six months or more). Engagement is beginning implementation of the planting season. In the engagement period is six months or a year is usually the male, when the prospective in-laws began to fall into the fields, men, women will help families to open fields ranging from cutting, planting (sowing) and when it is harvest helped lift yields ( rice) from rice fields to the village (home). Similarly, the women will help the families of men to harvest (ngetam) in the fields.

On the night engaged dagger usually has not been submitted and will be submitted after completion of the marriage ceremony. When the engagement period through the month of fasting in the past three days ahead of the fasting man delivering food ingredients such as meat, fish to prospective wife (fiance), while the women will deliver dishes from ingredients that have been provided with trays of water with lime (citrus Water juice is boiled and mixed with potpourri) of rice powder with 4 colors as the material for Belanger (clean bath / shampoo). Giving terebut ngida known. Three days before the Eid party also male escort food and cakes are also a day before Eid will be rewarded with the lemon water. By the man who put the lime water will be distributed geleta little by little the family nearby. The current ordinance is rarely seen, even if there are only a part of women who deliver food to the men using the hamper.

After running it for face engagement weddings are usually held back consultations between the girl and the servant of the certainty of time and everything should be prepared. When you have found an agreement Rajopenghulu then contacted again to inform the implementation plan, if the deal does not change the time / agree then on the facing Rajapenghulu advance to request permission to tell and we usually bring a quart of chicken and rice. At this time the procedure is already not as tight as before (even rare).

Eating Ketan

After extensive consultation and agree about the day kerje / bepelan then by expert home prior agreements usually held internal meetings (ngupul younger relatives) to start preparing and gathering all things related to the needs of lifting jobs such as: berberas (pound rice for the needs kerje / bepelan , collected on the tools to pangujung (hall), as well as making preparations Tanak home (shelter water and cook rice).

Later in the evening a meeting was held which has been determined (berasan) with the prince of Personality ', younger relatives, the relatives usually led by the prince of indigenous / traditional leader, berasan night is known as Night Eating Ketan. Berasan officially have a job (puce) submit to the council for the implementation kerje / bepelan. In indigenous Lembak, eat sticky rice first held at the bridegroom's house. At the house of the groom led the chairman of the customary consensus to establish kepanitian Rajopenghulu implementation wedding ceremony which was held a few days after this. Then, led by the chairman of their traditional (and mothers Rajopenghulu kerabatan groom) leave for the bride's house to inaugurate a custom engagement.

Arriving home the bride's entourage took place betel, was welcomed by the bride Rajopenghulu place. The group Fathers Direct are welcome to enter chamber consensus Rajopenghulu place the bride. After a few moments, the show was opened by the Chairman began with customary at the bride to be. Chairman of the customary opening rajo agreement with the prince of this preamble:

Welcome to the prospective bride lanang kepade group, we put in an apology karene telambatnye ikak event begins and mbuat entourage wait (Welcome to the group of prospective bridegroom, we deliver to an apology for this event started late and makes waiting entourage)

Col lekap by remarks ikak, col bebanyak lekap with kate, make money tue teremelah adage we used: (Not equipped with this greeting, complete with berbanyak said no, then accept it saying our parents first)

Kok He babunyi drum with fife, obsolete customs lame pusako
Sister, relative, neighbor invited tetangge was sapai, entourage since long he comes.
(Why is fife kek drum sounds, custom Lamo pusako obsolete
Sister, relative, neighbor invited tetanggo already was up, the group came from the distance never mind)

Cigarettes a la our njuk, ilim sekapur la we present, in the bud gaze ilim tande custom kite that's put undecided.

Smoked a cigarette was the host, ilim sekapur ibuk was eating, kalu litak pule was let loose in the problems we betanye ikak? (We provide a smoking, betel sekapur we present, above where we put that betel custom sign waver.
Smoked a cigarette was the host, betel sekapur already mother to eat, really tired already off anyway let us ask in this matter?)

Why did he rake is a rake, rake is sandalwood bark
How come we were the tau tau la, la tau ndak betanye pule
Jak ndak kemane mane, Jak Japan to the airport Cene
Kalu He bolih we betanye, the group recalled coming ikak ape maksudnye
(How It's aloes aloes, sandalwood gaharu was also
Know why we were out, it is know to ask anyway
Where going where, from Japan to China airport
Kalu has allowed us to ask, which came this group what it means)

Round-the father of the vice Kepade come kalu ade nang nang good conversation, delighted ndak disampaika with us, we pray with our disampaika and assemblies.
(To the Round-the father of the vice that comes when there is talk about the good that will be submitted to us, we request submitted to us and assemblies)

Then Vice entourage of prospective groom, delivered his speech:

Kok He babunyi drum with fife, obsolete customs lame pusako
Sister, relative, neighbor invited tetangge was sapai, we jak jauhpun he comes.
Why is fife kek drum sounds, custom Lamo pusako obsolete
Sister, relative, neighbor invited tetanggo already was up, we also never mind come from far away.

Smoking is a master njuk, ilim sekapur He ibuk njuk, dipucuk gaze ilim kite place, that he hesitated customary tande
Our cigarette is smoked, ilim sekapur la we ate, we litak la loose bark. Permit us ka betanye in matters ikak?
Host was given a cigarette, betel sekapur kasihkan mother was, above cerano petando Kito's customary place undecided.
Our cigarette is isok, betel sekapur was we ate, how come we is loose bark litak
Let us bertanyo in ikak problem?

Jak ndak kemane mane, Jak Panorama to Store Pucak,
Kalu we can betanye in ikak issue, our arrival kak apekah can diterime or col?
Alhamdulillah since from our earlier pages he can diterime, we came across dului by ilim delighted gaze complete with isinye, romanye disusung by the gaze we had delighted ilim complete with isinye.
Our Buktinye He diterime well, we sat in the assembly nang nang serek noble sat ka kite now
Darimane ndak kemane, from Panorama to Top Shop,
Kalu we can bertanye in ikak issue, our arrival kak apekah dapek diterime or die?
Alhamdulillah since the page was we were able diterimo, we came in preceded by a betel complete with contents, we were met by nampaknyo betel place complete with isinyo.
Buktinye we've diterime well, we sit on the panel as a kite noble occupied ikak

Nuts are not just any beans, teak wood wrapped around, we came not just any future, we came indeed Beno nian ngulang violence nepati promise
Pade beberape months lapau night nang nang Badu family A with the B la bejanji antare tepatnye ikak family night will ngadekan engagement ikak antare A and B with a dowry of Rp according to information ... ... ... ... ...., Additional belanje dapo Rp ... ... ... ... ... on accompanied with a dagger blade
Nuts are not just any beans, wrapped around Sekayu teak, we come not just any future, it is true we come ngulang violence nian fulfill the promise
In the past month balan night A family that already has been pledged by the inter-family B is precisely this night will hold the engagement between the A and B with a dowry of Rp according to information ... ... ... ... ...., An additional expenditure of Rp kitchen ... ... ... ... ... on accompanied with a dagger blade

Chairman of the customary waiting:
Praise indeed ade nian promise a few months ago, the night ... .... Year of Badu

At night it also drafted a plan from preparation and sequence of events, making pangujung (hall), and establishing the organization and its personnel ceremony that will be served. Named after the evening meal because jamuannya form glutinous rice glutinous or sticky rice berkuah core. This event took place at the home of both parties where each party to determine / announce subcommittee that will play a role in the implementation of the party later.

On the night of eating this sticky envoy anaesthetized male family came to the woman for money meyampaikan delivery, delivery device is also equipped with betel nut and betel flowers known dehgan footman brought by the parties for men and betel nut girls who wait at home the women's . The series is arranged in such a way betel where to betel flunky 7 (seven) and betel girl level 5 (five) level. Both flowers iini then juxtaposed to then be exchanged. At the present time this glutinous meal but still carried on a series of changes sirihnya, where betel rangkalan is made only perfunctory (not stratified).

Establishment of the Working Committee

After the event the engagement is officially announced, the next chairman of the customary opening berasan kepanitian younger relatives to form the intended bride wedding. Formation of the ceremony as well as appoint the officers who will take responsibility for implementation include: tue kerje (Chairman of the Work), welcoming guests, carpenters sambal (chili sauce handyman), Joda artisans (carpenters jauda), Junior Come (Expert prepare water), Junior rice (rice cooking expert), the head of molten metal which is usually designated upper end of porridge (porridge shoots) and rear porridge (porridge below), so is usually designated Cikidar (porridge women) besarta its members, and at that time have usually been appointed also the parent host (makeup bride) and host (clamp bride).

Conventional forms of organization that is very simple but can divide up tasks. For customary marriages at this time at night berasan designation is only ceremonial because it is actually a family party that will carry her child marriages have contacted the committee in advance. Chairman of working as a coordinator will handle all the work and traffic ranging from uprise pangujung, until the marriage ceremony is over. At the present time berasan night still held by the Indigenous Peoples Lembak. In this glutinous meal will also be published where the ceremony took place in terms of which party will carry out the first party. Usually the ceremony is held at the house of the woman but nevertheless it was likely to take place at the home of men, it is up to the agreement between both parties.

During the night once in berasan or eat sticky rice is also determined when kerje / bepelan will be conducted at the village hall so people collectively together to make the hall, and dibalai also created the bride resting places such as seats, clothing and rest, which is confined between the bride one another. Implementation of a series of marriages in the past done well dibalai which usually followed a few pairs of wedding witnessed by the heads of clans, the depati and single girls from each clan. Implementation procedures for the wedding ceremony the bride dibalai for some pairs of the tribes in the city of Bengkulu Lembak is long gone, terkhir proatin area XII in 1940 in the Cape Supreme han.

Berasan night is usually the food is passably berkuah sticky (glutinous rice cooked with a sauce of coconut milk and brown sugar / palm) or sticky core (brown sugar mix coconut essence). Ketan berkuah especially in the Cape Supreme, Semarang, Surabaya, Small Bridge, Panorama, and Hamlet the Great. After holding berasan the next few days begin to establish (uprise) pangujung conducted by the community, and invitations began to be divided (ilim fly) and called the environment of the village which is only spoken by the person taking the call that has been trusted by home experts. Making pangujung on masalalu has its own characteristics, which if experts house cut beef or buffalo pangujungnya berbubung, if only to cut lamb or chicken and so it displays the value pangujung not.


Implementation of the marriage in Bahasa Lembak often disebur Kerje or Bepelan which is the core or peak in the marriage ceremony. The activity is a series of a celebration as a statement of love and gratitude for all the family both in the close family ties mapun distant relatives. Wedding held on both sides and berlangaung for 2 days, 2 nights for one party, called the first day of Hari Consensus (Arai concentrated) while the second is called Day of Storytelling DAY (Andun). Implementation of the ceremony is usually held on consensus (Arai concentrated), formerly held on the second day.

Consensus day (Arai Concentrated)

On the day this agreement was the bride should wear makeup for the bride memekai (traditional dress), for the first time bridal makeup is not done at home but must be done at home one of her relatives who is called the 'Bakondai'. In the event this bakondai requirements must prepare a cloth cover (kelimbung), rice, coconut, palm sugar and banana, this equipment will be handed over to the 'parent host (bridal makeup). After the bride was brought home in a new made-up finish and was greeted by his mother and smoked with incense.

Akad Nikah

In the event the marriage ceremony the groom is not wearing wedding clothes but only wear a suit, berkain and corner '(traditional skull cap for the occasion). Like the bride, bride priapun to leave this marriage is not made up her home but also at home relatives. At the time of marriage the bride customarily led by the men always sung (powered) ilim gaze (where betel complete). My drive to the wedding party that was led by his future wife adat (customary chief). Chairman of the custom is believed to deliver up to submit to the adat (customary chief) of the bride. According to tribal custom marriages performed Lembak time granted by the consent and groom, the bride remains inside the room, and thus the officer, if you had the faith and preachers who currently is P3NTR must go into the room to meet the bride asked about the willingness and demand of dowry (dowry) was accompanied by the bride's mother or if the mother is not there accompanied by his mother's cousins.

Implementation of the ceremony is usually covered with a mat and at the time of the consent granted bride remain in the bridal chamber. In terms of the marriage ceremony was held in his house, then that becomes the base mat is transferred to the parent / guardian of women who marry them. After implementation of the ceremony the groom has not been reconcilable with the bride, but must go home to come back at night. On the day this agreement as well, in addition to prayer was held after the marriage, also held a prayer / feast called the feast sekulak (small top has dilangsungkannya Thanksgiving ceremony, festivity sekulak = little or as much as four quarts of rice).

Night Napa

One part of the celebration of marriage is the Night Napa. On the eve of a wedding is often also called mixed or start biting after a consent granted (If you do not do consent granted, in the customary bride should not be juxtaposed Lembak).

In Napa Night will be held usually when adang-adang gala then the bride's family must pick a wedding ceremony, led by chairman lanang custom followed by some relatives of the bride. In this pick-up event brought the bride to bride perelengkapan lanang custom clothes, the family of the bride lanang also been prepared snacks / cake-keu already cooked a few days and were treated to drinks tea / coffee is often known as Neron. At the time it is usually also delivered by the prince to the penganting lanang customary to prepare some money for the event-adang adang the gala. The money given during a gala adang adang-often referred to as a key entry.

At night this Napa newlyweds can be coupled in which the groom was wearing a wedding dress custom, for bridal makeup is like at the time of marriage would leave relatives also carried out at home, for later transfer to the woman's house.

Bridal Mixed

Mixed bride is a series of activities coupled ceremony where the bride with the groom dipelaminan. Procedure for mixed wedding ceremony begins with pick up the bride and implementation under the guidance of the parent host. Having run out of wedlock and groom had gone home to his house during the day then picked up by courier to mix. The tools needed to pick up the groom are smoking seven rods are inserted in place of a cigarette box that has been provided (cigarette case cigarette) with lime flower (lime sliced ​​like a flower that blooms) tucked in kobongan glass that has been given a little water and sprinkled potpourri.


Procedure in this mix is ​​already a tradition, which is hereditary, and has its own value. The tools used in the mix are:
1. Sejambar saffron rice.
2. Water drinking 2 (two) glasses.
3. Small plate blank 1 (one).
4. Fan
5. Long drum and fife
6. Persepan fire to burn incense
7. flour setawar

The order of the work done is as follows:
Bride and the entourage that came in the Prevent (see the first hurdle) at the gate (called adang-adang gala) with caulking / bamboo by Sun kerje, and will be opened when it is paid (redeemed) by an unspecified amount of money. Having arrived in front of her house, the groom is confronted with a gala called adang-adang gala, people who are usually facing the Sun Kerje (committee chairman) of the women's families.

Tue Kerje asked (TK): Ndak kemane you a lot kak (Where are you all)
Answered the group leader (KR) of the bride lanang:
We ndak andun (We want to invitations)
TK: Sape who invites (who is invited)
KR: Earlier we were invited (Earlier we were invited / picked up)
TK: That was our invites, kalu serepak we did so, did you not ndak (Earlier we invite, if together we can, Did you not want to) ... ... and so on

Furthermore, as the quarrels and wars between the two groups and can usually be demonstrated here martial arts event village, could also use other weapons and tools. In adang gala event is also filled with berpantun ability of both parties, which in turn is usually the group must unlock the blocker by giving some money in an envelope to the Old Work and Junior Curried. In this event occurs bargaining between representatives of the groom with the blocker in order to open the 'lock' the barrier itself.

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