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Arabic Tribe in Indonesia

HISTORY OF CULTURE | Arabic Tribe in Indonesia | In the Islamic world, both from Sunni Shiite mapun, in Arabic and outside the Arab, bertarikat or not, known by the existence of factions that claim to be Ahl-ul-bayt, or as a descendant of the prophet. With a variety of pedigree which is expressed as the most valid or true, they are much glorified by the ummah. In the history of the Hejaz, a descendant of the prophet until the 20th century played an important role in the government even after the collapse of Turkey's Arab. Since the earlier times they are a special place in the eyes of the population Hejaz. They were inducted into the ruler and the priest and patron holy land,
In order Hejaz, Sharif designation given to those men and Syarifah for women. While outside the Hejaz, of some classes there that give title Sayyid and Lady, or also called Habaib, and so forth to provide a signal that they are given titlr is considered still to have blood relation with the prophet Muhammad.

Rabitah Alawiyah:: in his online article, stating that according to Muhammad Sayyid Ahmad al-Sirah Syatri in his book Min al-Salaf al-Husainiyyin Bani Alawi, the Salaf of the 'Alawi in Hadramout is divided into four stages, each stage has its own title. Title given by the Hadramaut to the great figures Alawiyin is:

PRIEST (from century to century III H H VII). This stage is characterized struggle Ahmad al-Muhajir and his family to face the Kharijites. Towards the end of the 12th century descendant of Ahmad al-Muhajir was only a few people. At this stage of his characters is Imam Ahmad al-Muhajir, Ubaidillah Imam, Imam Ubaidillah Bin Alwi, Basri, Jadid, Imam Salim bin Basri.

Shaikh (from the seventh century until the eleventh century H H). This stage begins with the advent of Muhammad al-Faqih al-Muqaddam characterized by the development of Sufism, the field of economy and began growing number of descendants of al-Muhajir. At this time there are some major figures such as Muhammad al-Faqih al-Muqaddam own. He was born, raised and died in Tarim.

Habib (from the mid-eleventh century until XIV century). This stage is marked by a flood of migration of the 'Alawi out Hadramaut. And among them there are who founded the kingdom or empire legacy can still be seen up to now, among them Alaydrus kingdom in Surrat (India), sultanates al-Qadri in the Comoro islands and Pontianak, al-Syahab in Siak and Bafaqih in the Philippines. The main character 'of this period is Habib Alawi bin Abdullah al-Haddad Alwi who have the intellect, memory and amazing ability to memorize it, there are also Bilfaqih Habib Abdurrahman bin Abdullah, Muhsin ibn Habib Alwi al-Saqqaf, Habib Hussain Shaikh Abu Bakr bin bin Salim, Habib Hasan bin Salah al-Bahar, Habib Ahmad bin Zein al-Ethiopia.

Sayyid (starting from the beginning of XIV century). This stage is marked setback kecermelangan the 'Alawi. Among the leaders of this stage is that of Imam Ali ibn Muhammad al-Ethiopia, Imam Ahmad bin Hasan al-Attas, Allama Abu Bakr ibn Abdurahman Syahab, Habib Muhammad ibn Tahir al-Haddad, Habib al-Husayn ibn Hamid Muhdhar. Bamuthrif Historians say that Mohammed Hadramaut Alawiyin or qabilah Ba'alawi qabilah considered the largest numbers in Hadramout and the most migrated to Asia and Africa. Qabilah Alawiyin Yemenis in Hadramout considered because they do not come together except in Yemen and was not previously known outside Yemen.

Long before that, namely in the first centuries Hijra Alawi epithet used by every person who bernasab to Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, both nasab or descendants in the real sense and in terms of intimate friendship. Later this title (Alawi) special only applies to children and grandchildren descendants of Imam al-Hasan and Imam al-Husayn. In the course of centuries finally Alawi designation applies only to children and grandchildren Ubaidillah Bin Alwi hereditary Imam. Alwi is the first child of the grandsons of Imam Ahmad ibn Isa, who was born in Hadramaut. Ahmad bin Isa descent who settled in Hadramaut was named Alawiyin taken from the name of his grandson Ubaidillah Bin Alwi bin Ahmad bin Isa who is buried in the city Sumul.

The Arabs, especially the religion of Islam has long since many do trade with various countries in the world, which then creates the trade routes and the new Arab communities in different countries. In various historical stated that the Arabs who came to Indonesia is an Arab colony in the vicinity of Yemen and Persia. However, expressed the most important role and is shown with the type madhab in Indonesia, it is possible is of Hadramaut. And people are estimated to have reached Hadramis to Indonesia since the mid-century (13th century) after the riots in Baghdad.

In general, the arrival of their original purpose was to trade as well as preaching, and then gradually began to settle and have families and local communities. From this they then show up a lot of propaganda figures contained in Walisongo team and many prominent Islamic da'wah to the present. Although there are other opinions such as calling from Samarkand (Central Asia), Champa or elsewhere, it seems that all the channels for distributing the preachers of the Hadramawt most of which is the Sayyid (Sharif). Some of the evidence (no 1 and 2) are part of that has been collected by the writer Muhammad al Baqir the Tariqa to Happiness:

  1. LWC Van Den Berg in his book Le Hadramawt Les Colonies Arabes et dans l'Archipel Indien (1886) says: "As for concrete results in the Islamic religious broadcasting (to Indonesia) is from the people Sayyid Sharif. And by them the religion of Islam spread among Hindu kings in Java and others. Apart from these, although there are also other tribes Hadramawt (which is not a class of Sayyid Sharif), but they did not leave that much influence. This is due to them (ie, the Sayyid Sharif Hadramaut) is the offspring of carriers of the Islamic leaders (Prophet Muhammad). "
  2. In the same book p. 192-204, Van Den Berg writes: "In the fifteenth century, in Java, there were already inhabitants or descendants of the Arabs, ie after the period of the powerful Majapahit empire. Arabs bercampul-slang with residents, and some of them mempuyai high positions. They are bound by kinship relationships and superior level. Apparently Hindu princes in the Indian archipelago have been affected by the properties of Arab expertise, because most of them from multiplying the founder of Islam (Prophet Muhammad). The Arabs of Hadramawt bring to people new to the Hindu mind-Peranakan Peranakan forwarded by the Arab follow in the footsteps of his ancestors. "Consider the writings Van Den Berg is a specific mention XV century, which is a specific century to arrival and / or the birth of most of the Mayor Songo on the island of Java. XV century is much earlier than the eighteenth century which is the arrival of the next wave of the Hadramawt we now know them surnamed Assegaf, Al Ethiopia, Al Hadad, Alaydrus, Alatas, Al Jufri, Shihab, and many genera Syahab Hadramawt other.
  3. Until today Muslims in Hadramawt bermadzhab Syafi'ie same as the majority in Ceylon, the coast of Western India (Gujarat and Malabar), Malaysia and Indonesia. While Uzbekistan and throughout Central Asia, India and Pakistan and the interior (non-coastal) bermadzhab majority Hanafi.
  4. Language of the Muslim traders who came to South East Asia (mainly Malacca and Archipelago) called the Malay language (Malay) as traders and preachers who came in the 14-15 century largely came from the West coast of India namely Gujarat and Malabar, which the people Malabar (now including the neg. of Kerala) has the Malayalam language, although their origins are descendants of Hadramawt Syafi'ie schools given the similarities are very specific to the practice of Sufism and devotion to the Ahlul Bait. One book of fiqh schools Syafi'ie very popular in Indonesia Fathul Muin Al Malabary author even Zainuddin (derived from Malabar soil), a book of fiqh is very unique because it also included the opinion of the Sufis, not just the opinion of the fuqaha.
  5. A highly accurate evidence is the similarity with the pattern Syafi'ie schools of Sufism and preferential Ahlul Bait is very strong such as the obligation entered into Mawlid, read Diba & litany, reading various sholawat Prophet, read prayers Nubuwwah Nur (which also contains the virtues of prayer on the Prophet's grandson, Hasan and Husayn) and many other practices only in Hadramawt, Egypt, Gujarat, Malabar, Ceylon, Sulu & Mindanao, Malaysia and Indonesia. Exceptions may only be against the Kurdistan at the border triangle of Iraq, Turkey and Iran, which they also bermadzhab Mysticism Syafi'ie with a very strong pattern and prioritizes ahlul stanza (Book of Mawlid litany and Manaqib Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani was the work of their scholars Shaykh Ja ' Far litany) but living in the countryside and mountains, not like other coastal. The analysis above indicates the history of the Islamic religion from schools and livery is mostly spread through shipping lanes and trade and originate from a single source of Hadramawt, because Hadramawt is the first source of Islamic history that combines fiqh Syafi'ie with the practice of Sufism and preferential ahlul stanza.
  6. In the 15th century Javanese Kings (which are related to Walisongo) such as Raden Patah and Pati Unus alike use the title Akbar Alam, which in the 14th century in Gujarat has been known for a large family large family Jamaluddin grandson Akbar Khan Datuk Azhimat (Abdullah Khan) son of Abdul Malik son of Muhammad son of Alwi shahib Mirbath great scholar Century Hadramawt 13m. This large family has been very famous as preachers who preached far Musafir up throughout Southeast Asia and have sons and many grandchildren who use the name Akbar, like Zainal Akbar, Akbar Ibrahim, Ali Akbar, Akbar Nuralam and many others.
Hadramawt Arab descent in Indonesia, such as his home country of Yemen, comprising two major groups namely Allawi group (Sayyidi) descendant of Prophet Muhammad (especially through Husayn ibn Ali) and Qabili the group outside the Sayyid.

The names of clans / families of Arab descent Hadramaut and other Arabs who are in Indonesia, most of them are:

  • Abud (Cain) - AbdulAzis (Cain) - Addibani (Cain) - Afiff - Alatas (Sayyid) - Alaydrus (Sayyid) - Albar (Sayyid) - Algadrie (Sayyid) - Alhabsyi (Sayyid) - Alhamid - Alhadar - AlHadad (Sayyid) - AlJufri (Sayyid) - Alkatiri (Cain) - Assegaff (Sayyid) - Attamimi-AlMuhazir
  • Ba'asyir (Cain) - Baaqil (Sayyid) - Bachrak (Cain) - Badjubier (Cain) - Bafadhal - Bahasuan (Cain) - Baraja (Sheikh) - Basyaib (Cain) - Basyeiban (Sayyid) - Baswedan (Cain) - Baridwan - Bawazier (Sayyid) - BinSechbubakar (Sayyid)
  • Haneman
  • Jamalullail (Sayyid)
  • Kawileh (Cain)
  • Maula Dawileh (Sayyid) - Maula Heleh / Maula ruse (Sayyid)
  • Nahdi (Cain)
  • Shahab (Sayyid) - Shihab (Sayyid) - Sungkar (Cain)
  • Talib
  • Bahafdullah (Cain)

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