Traditional Ceremony in Kampung Naga

Traditional Ceremony in Kampung Naga | HISTORY OF CULTUREKampung Naga is a village inhabited by a group of people who are very strong in holding the relics of ancestral customs, in this case is the traditional Sundanese. Like the Bedouin settlement, Kampung Naga become the object of anthropological study about rural life Sundanese in the transition from the influence of Hinduism to the influence of Islam in West Java.

Kampung Naga Village

The Tradition And Mystery Of Sedudo Waterfall

The Tradition And Mystery Of Sedudo Waterfall | HISTORY OF CULTURETourism sedudo waterfall located in the Village district Ngliman Sawahan, our minds will always appear when this waterfall has many benefits, one of which is to be the drug of youth. It is widely believed to surrounding communities, as well as people outside Nganjuk.

Tradition And Mystery Of Sedudo Waterfall

The Origins Of Kasada Ceremony

The Origins Of Kasada Ceremony | HISTORY OF CULTUREKasada ceremony occurred a few centuries ago. UB Dynasty during the reign of the kingdom of Majapahit. The empress gave birth to a daughter named Roro Anteng, after nearly mature the princess got a couple of caste Brahmin boy named Joko Seger. At the time of the Majapahit Empire started to decline and the same spread of Islam in Java, some royal courtier and some relatives decided to move to the east, and partly to the Tengger Mountains region including pairs Rara Anteng and Jaka Seger.

Kasada Ceremony

The History Of Tradition Pasola In Sumba Tribe

The History Of Tradition Pasola In Sumba Tribe | HISTORY OF CULTUREPasola is 'at war' conducted by two groups of riding. Each group teridiri of more than 100 youths use of weapons spears made of wood about kira1 diameter, 5 cm in the left blunt ends. Despite the blunted spears, Pasola sometimes even claimed casualties. But there was no animosity in Pasola, if still curious Pasola please wait until next year.

Tradition Of Pasola

Lengger Dance From Banyumas

Lengger Dance From Banyumas | HISTORY OF CULTURE | Lengger Mask dance is a traditional dance which also well known since a century ago in central java. Long ago, this dance was introduced by an artist from Kecis, subdistrict Selomerto , Mr. Gondhowinangun in 1910. Then, in 1960’s this dance was improved by Ki Hadi Soewarno, become more attractive than the old dance from Solo or Yogya. The dance was lean to be like East Java dance from Kediri.

Lengger Dance

Traditional Arts Jaipong Dance West Java

Traditional Arts Jaipong Dance West JavaHISTORY OF CULTUREJaipongan is a genre of dance that was born from the creativity of an artist from Bandung, Gugum Gumbira. His attention to folk art, one of which is Tap Tilu know and know very well make Treasury dance movement patterns of the tradition that existed at Kliningan / Bajidoran or Tap Tilu. Motions openings, pencugan, and several kinds of motion nibakeun mincid of some art above has enough inspiration to develop a dance or art that is now known as Jaipongan. As a social dances, dance Jaipong successfully developed by Sundanese artist becomes a dance that socialized and very loved by the people of West Java (in particular), even popular until outside West Java.
Jaipong Dance

Dance Art history Gending Srivijaya

Dance Art history Gending Srivijaya | HISTORY OF CULTURE | As the region very rich in a collection of past history, Palembang also has many kinds of dance art. Of imagination and fantasy of the era palace of the kingdom of Srivijaya in the sixth century BC, which is very famous with the expansion area and the center of Buddhism to the golden age of Palembang Darussalam Sultanate. stages of past history that until now provide much inspiration for the people. One of them is a dance.

Gending Srivijaya Dance