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Meaning and Batak Customary Marriage Procedures (PART II)

HISTORY OF CULTURE | Meaning and Batak Customary Marriage Procedures (PART II) | Connection from the previous article in which the meaning and procedure of customary marriages in Indonesia Batak. Connection to the article, in the Implementation Procedures Traditional Marriage. The procession of procedures this event which is now generally accepted approximately as follows (dialogue-parboru paranak).

Paranak (Mother bride)
"Maybe Eda and Ito had heard the two sons of our intention to settle down. We own dross will agree the plan. When Ito and Eda agreed it might be worthwhile they tie while waiting for our first appointment apat raise money for it "
"In principle we also agree. Surely it's a matter of funds is highly relative according to custom. There is a small Indigenous Peoples and there is also great. It really depends on our ability.
If we can know approximately how much money Lae-Ito is already available "

Pardon Lae, frankly we're not ashamed to tell our poverty. That our ability to provide a dowry is only Rp ........."

In this case though the paranak have sufficient financial capacity to finance the cost of child marriage, usually mention of the value of gold kawin_sinamot must be submitted with the condescending tone. The mention of numbers are just a confirmation of what has been dealt unofficially between the prospective groom to the prospective in-laws.

"Well Lae-Ito, and especially to be conveyed."

"When Lae pleased, we've compiled a number of design as follows:

  1. Nature alapon selling wedding customs in the places where the organization of Lae.
  2. All custom event will be completed in just one day, after the completion of customary feast, immediately followed by the customary paulakune and tinggir stairs.
  3. The amount of such sinamot - Boli or tuhor boru ni that we provide is only capable of Rp. 50.000.000, - sitombul pinunggu signs. This means that all costs are included.
  4. Regarding the number of strands ulos, it is up to Lae. But rather that we've had a number of common strands which was 17.
Parboru (Parents Women)
"Well Lae, but before I answer let his wife and brother-younger men and women before me who gave the response"

The woman's mother:
"First we thank you for coming Amang bao and Eda and entourage this home. We can understand the proposal that was submitted. We can understand the proposal that was submitted. But the prices of goods increased at this time really made us a little dizzy with this proposal. Well ... kalu is still possible then we still hope that these funds can still be added.
Close relatives parboru:

"It is true that current prices are very expensive, costly building leases, expensive food etc. are all costly. Our hope is masi sinamot course and can be added.

"Thank you Host Lae, Frankly we are also very very understanding of it. But whatever our power whatever that how much it hurt when throwing hand sesutau that does not exist - (void). In this case we are also ready with any custom that we receive from the Lae. "

The woman's father:
"Well, I deeply understand our conversation is that in essence is to realize the love of our fellow children. Therefore let our core conversation is recorded only once to later be used as a handle to the event Patua Hata. "

Note: On the show "Patua Hata" There are two topics to be discussed is "Patua Hata and Marhusip husip na-gogo". The event was named the show "Patua Hata" where young people want the relationship to the creation of improved relationships between parents in order to the marriage of their children. Being the "Marhusip-na husip Nagogo" is the submission of an application at the same time preparations paranak parboru party would deign to give permission and blessing for wedding planning.

It is worth to understand that the first two of this event is a separate section where the time to patua hata and marhusip-husip nagogo carried out separately.

If the show "na husip marhusip-gogo" objectionable parboru, then that's where the paranak According to the rules of traditional Batak past, this pattern is violated and the talks will take place a lot and tug each other. But along with the development of modern thought, where the bride and groom also been involved directly in this way then it is justified and is commonly carried out this sat.

Hata Patua
Hata Patua event is following the traditional stages of the two sides held an marhori-hori wall. The nature of ancestral lands by the number of layers is proposed to relatives or the wider family. Will deliver the results of the talks when it held an "Marhori-horizontal wall" at once convey the design include the nature of indigenous customary marriages are customary alap sale where the party will be held at page custom house / building custom event taruhon parboru while selling home party event parties paranak, paranak submit request customary series of events that can be resolved / completed in one day realize ulaon, Paranak Party declared its ability to provide the magnitude sinamot (dowry) da paranak parties also submitted a request many strands ulos diiinginkan customary when traditional wedding ceremony later.

Four points above that will be delivered the paranak when nature is a custom implementation alap sale. While others will become the authorities and business parboru to explain it. However pelaksanaansifatnya is "taruhon sale", then paranak also will request the approval of the parboru of Sacrifice cattle / panjuhuti to be cut if the buffalo cows or pigs, on the same occasion also paranak will request that the rules of customary division of meat (portion) is done by customary laws in place and the paranak paranak will also submit a request about the number of invitations (seats can be reserved for parboru).

The customary rules concerning the procession of acceptance / welcome hula-hula, the settings of the procession reception / welcome hula-hula, the setting and charging money of rice, including the determination of the time schedule of events, everything will be discussed separately. Unlike the case when the nature of the wedding ceremony is "alapon selling" diamana paranak proposal was limited to only the above was, the other being determined by the parties including victims parboru cattle / panjuhuti, customary rules of distribution of meat (portion), the number of invitations (seats) that can be provided for paranak, musical instruments (gondang) which would welcome rung hula-hula, all the authority parboru. At the end of the cover on a series of events "and marhusip patua hata-na husip gogo" second parsianbul will affirm it as a duty and authority of both parties that can be communicated later.

Martumpol is the advanced stage of a process of marriage in which the implementation timetable has been agreed at the time of the event patua hata. There are some things which it has been organizing the event prenuptial (martumpol) in this church:

First give pembekelan / understanding of the Christian family of faith and morals. The second assertion is whether the marriage has become a determination and a sincere and pure love with no longer an affair with another party. Third is the second prospective bride's wedding plans are ready to implement these known to others. Fourth is both prospective bride is really a Christian who has undergone marked with the holy sacraments of baptism and confirmation congregation. Dipahamibahwa deserves confirmation letter about not all churches or menyelenggarakannya issued or enforced in the congregation or church. For four of the above, then the church will ask both prospective bride bukti-bukti/dokumen submit a copy of which ID cards, letters of baptism and confirmation letters (if any) and certificate of church membership follows a letter of approval from the congregation came to worship according to the procedure dapatdibrkati the church.

For partumpolon event which is also commonly referred to as the "connective promises church" both sides of parboru paranak and will invite the closest relatives of anggi haha, dongan tubu, hula-hula bone, pariban, ale-ale, and dongan sahuta or old- old custom. At this event parboru or paranak usually provide snacks wrapped in a box and are equipped with coffee and tea, or other soft drinks to be served after the event finished martumpol.

Martongo Ria King and King
Martonggo Ria King and King is a consultation event held family parties ie parents parboru bride (hasuhuton) to discuss the preparation and distribution of tasks within the framework of the wedding. Martonggo event jolly king or royal family attended only one-sided nature of a close relative, dongan Sabutuha (kahanggi) father of the bride, Boru-Bere, dongan sahuta and his companions. The event was hosted by keluaraga closest to convey little introduction and then proceed with prayer meal. After a meal that's where the question arises about the completion of customary Tudu, Tudu sipanganon ni is the concerned divisions.

Lately it has more kinship division where the division is to put forward the principle of mutuality and equality in which everyone present gets pursued. Normally the opening event is part of the invitation that is to say thank you for the delicious food, and then question the theme of the event. Who would question should not be arbitrary but the brothers dongan Sabutuha oppu level when a person has been agreed upon, usually it was he who later would become the interpreter biacara / parsinabul on har "H" wedding, then that person will ask questions on the hasuhuton. All associated with the preparation will be discussed directly by hasuhuton joint invitation. But lately there is a limit which has impressed the speaker by invitation only on appointment dongan tubu-parsianbul protocol. Sedangakan others will be discussed are internal ie melibatkankeluarga close.

Second Session
Upon returning guests, groups hasuhuton / immediate family will continue the other talks. Topics to be discussed regarding the following matters:
  1. Establish a family who sat in the aisle seatFamily name that will receive a portion suhi ni na Opat Ampang
  2. Family name will menayampaikan ulos to paranak especially for suhi ni na Opat Ampang.
  3. Reception and rice / gifts that fill the sacks of rice is also customary (tandok) as well as fill the money indigenous rice (ni Ulak tandok)
  4. Recipients of fish indigenous "dekke siuk" as well as fill the money indigenous fish (ni Ulak siuk)
  5. Personnel who will fold ulos family gift for the bride
  6. Appointment parboruon who will wear the traditional sarong (marlopes) protocol and the companion parsinambul
  7. Distribution of consumption and other regulators
  8. Another thing that is deemed necessary.
Other matters concerning the preparation of the place, the appointment of catering, entertainment and decoration photos, distributing the invitation addressed by the hasuhuton.

The event-buhai Marsibuha
As per name of his show-buhai marsibuha meaningful start, then this is the show that started it all a series of weddings, both church events and custom events. This event is also referred to as the bride pick the show to take home to finish her husband's house and custom of blessing the church. Sometimes this event as well dsebut departure ceremony where the bride the bride's parents will let their children leave for the husband. For that they will usually hold the event "feed" bite was witnessed by his uncle / brother from the bones of his mother. According to custom-buhai marsibuha it should be done at home parents of the bride.

Marriage Blessing Church
Church wedding blessing will usually be preceded by the signing of the marriage ceremony or civil records in the consistory (church council meeting room) for the validity of the administrative civil service dialayani by local government. Furthermore, the bride will be paraded to the entrance of the church where in the front row will be prepared in a number of young children aged between 8-11 years of sprinkling flower bridal blessing. Entering the church building, both the prospective bride and groom will be welcomed all the attendees who had sat in the pews of rhythmic accompaniment of soft music that has been commonly used to greet the bride. Behind both prospective bride, close family will also accompany or escort both the bride and groom to the wedding chairs commonly referred to as the king's seat one day. The core program is "the blessing of marriage" in which the worship leader will advise the bride so that family life according to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Finished the blessing, one among the family members are required to submit a thank you to all the invitations and invite them to be together toward a traditional wedding / reception hall.

Peoples party (Marunjuk)
Traditional festivities "Marunjuk" is the culmination of a series of events that have been implemented custom event from the event hori-hori tonggo wall until the event or jolly kings and the king. This new event will be held after the bride and groom receive a "wedding blessing" by the pastor at the church. Finish the blessing at the church, the bride and groom will be taken to where the party was held at the customary home page or meeting hall. Arrive at the venue the bride will be escorted to the aisle seat with the rhythm of soft music welcoming the bride. Once the bride sits in the aisle, followed by a welcoming party pickles hula-hula.

Traditional events Alap Sell
If the custom event of its sale alap, hasuhuton both parties will enter into the building by taking bersam sitting position in their respective places to the left of the party while the party paranak parboru on the right. They will set up its own position relative to sit while waiting to give command to the pickle protocol welcoming the hula-hula. Their seats should also be arranged sequentially from the parboru. The troupe received hula hula-hula consisted of pangalapan (party bones bride), bones of the bride's mother or rorobot, bona bone is the bone of the bride's father, hula-hula sisters from the father of the bride and the hula-hula other.

Traditional events Taruhon Sell
If the custom event taruhon nature, finished second event hasuhuton escort bridal party to the wedding, party suhut parboru going out to pick up the group who were still outside. They will go when the protocol paranak already expressed readiness to accept the arrival parboru. In this case parboru limited to one clan entourage outside the hula-hulanya. If the group already sits parboru, it will ask permission to paranak parboru in order to welcome the hula-hula paranak. For that protocol would call for a clan paranak of hula-hulanya ask gondang / music to accompany the welcome hula-hula. The group consists of various layers of the hula-hula troupe from an uncle of the groom to the other hula hula-hula consisted of pangalapan (party bones bride), bones of the bride's mother or rorobot, bona bone is the bone of the bride's father, hula-hula sisters from the father of the bride and other hula-hula.

Divide the meat portion
When the ceremony Tudu, Tudu ni sipanganon, impressed that the paranak already handed over all flesh "Tudu, Tudu sipanganon ni" to the parboru. But the essence is not the case in which moral customs, parboru parties also can not bear the charge of his own flesh. For this protocol will parboru question or confirm the rules of the division of the meat on the paranak. Actually confirmation regarding the distribution of the meat is merely respect for the rules of the division of meat (shelter) has been agreed or proposed to be set when the event or patua hata. Once confirmed the committee to divide the meat, which most are part parboru and the rest is for paranak. Usually finished dividing the portion of meat, it's time to ask permission to paranak parboru pihajk protocol to collect or receive batch / donations from party invitations paranak both individual donations and donation group (musical accompaniment).

Indigenous Dialogue
In the event according to the custom perniklahan hobo, one thing is quite interesting and unique but impressed privileged as the top event and is at the core of a series of weddings. Before arriving on the day of "H" wedding party, both parties are paranak and parboru already implemented or passed several stages of applying to the event by a church blessing. Paranak parties also have submitted a large part of his daughter's dowry or bride price even have got the blessing by the priest. But when starting a custom dialog, this will be actualized again where after handing over "demban / betel" or dish panungkunan, parboru party is still going to ask again the background of the wedding ceremony. We consider the event as a stage show because parboru masi asks what he already knows. This event is certainly not unreasonable for the omission, because the first number of layers of families participated in the event which is limited patuahata dongan Sabutuha and other relatives have not all included. For the sake of the integrity and beauty of traditional hobo, however it must be asked again to all the guests heard a series of events and negotiations indigenous peoples who have been agreed by both parties.

Negotiations custom itself has not called as a final verdict but it still remains as a draft (husip-husip nagogo). All that will be called the verdict just after parsianbul / parsinabul reach agreement at the peak of the party in the building. In this case the first question is parboru background of the party, the ability to pay sinamot paranak. On that occasion parsianbul parboru will also ask a lot of parties paranak ulos expected to provide dowries parboru corresponding value of affordable paranak parties. Once everything is agreed then both parties paranak parsianbul ordered to pay the customary rights that essentially parboru dowry handed to family members who receive parboru party and musical accompaniment. The first submission was to the father-mother of the bride directly by parents paranak. Completed delivery of a dowry to the parents of the bride, parsinabul parboru will ask parties to submit paranak suhi ni Ampang naopat and also to other family members who are entitled according to customary agreements when the show patua hata.

The receiver portion
Who will receive a portion in the sequence is as follows:
  1. Suhut (brides parents)
  2. Sijalo Bara (brother or sister of the bride's father)
  3. Simolohaon (brother of the bride who was married)
  4. Pariban (younger brother of the bride who was married)
  5. Togu Upa-ni Togu horbo (shelter for the bride's brother is not married)
  6. Upa Bones (bride's uncle, brother / sister of the bride's mother)
  7. Parorot (sister of the bride's father)
  8. Close Ban (grandparents of the bride)
  9. Todoan 1 (brother was a little way over the top of the bride's father)
  10. Board assembly / punguan and others who are considered worthy of receiving.
If all has been submitted, final delivery means the transfer of the fulfillment portion commonly referred to as the dish comestible. Number amplopny quite a lot but it is relatively small nominal.

Giving Ulos
As kompensaisi of providing shelter, parboru party will give to the paranak ulos. Giving first be preceded by giving ulos pansamot to the parents of the groom by the bride's parents. Learn from the sequence ulos receiver are as follows:
  • Ulos Pansamot (parents pangantin men)
  • Ulos Bride
  • Ulos Paramaan (brother or sister of the bride's father)
  • Ulos simandokkon for brother or sister, or it could be from the groom's close relatives who are married
  • Ulos Sihunti Ampang (sister of the groom who are married)
  • Ulos to panghaei (above brother of the bride's father)
  • Ulos for ball tambirik (saudar bride's father who was a little way a bit)
  • Ulos to namboru (aunt / aunt of the groom)
  • Board assembly / punguan.
Ulos for todoan group (relative clump) usually depends on the number of parties parboru ulos amount agreed upon when the show patua hata. If all has been submitted to the board including ulos punguan (clan organizations), the last gift is fulfillment surrender biasas ulos called ulos tinonun realize. Ulos tinonun aware not of a piece of cloth but in the form of money. The number of the envelope quite a lot but its content is relatively small. Completed submission ulos to the group mentioned above, it was time parsianbul parboru provide an opportunity for relatives and dongan Sabutuha, Boru-Bere, dongan sahuta, ale-ale to surrender ulos sign of love (ulos holong) to the bride and groom. Both bride and groom to sit in front of the podium to receive ulos holong of the family, beginning with the brother of the father substitute semarga women. Ulos the first that gives quite a lot, lately replaced ulos diamana restricted cash.

From the hula-hula ulos Parboru
If the submission ulos by rombonmgan parboru been completed then the next protocol will provide an opportunity to the group of hula-hula parboru to submit ulos holongnya. Ulos submission of the hula-hula will be preceded by a hula-hula boy hula-hula manjae brother is a brother of the bride, hula-hula, or hula-hula namartinodohon sibling cousin of the bride's father, hula-hula and hula-hula bonatulang the bone. Last is the provision ulos by an entourage of bone or uncle of the bride are commonly referred to as the hula-hula pargomgom.

From the hula-hula ulos Paranak
Completed delivery of the ulos parboru hula-hula, next is the submission of hula paranak ulos holong. Just as the hula-hula parboru, yamg first gives the hula-hula boy hula-hula manjae the brother-younger brother of the groom. Then followed by a hula-hula, or hula-hula namartinodohon cousin of the groom's father. Then followed by a hula-hula, or hula-hula namartinodohon cousin of the groom's father. Then followed by a hula-hula, or hula-hula namartinodohon sepupun brother of the groom's father, hula-hula-hula hula bonatulang and wanderer. Last is the provision ulos by an entourage of bone or groom, commonly referred to as the hula-hula pargomgom titi marangkup receiver. After giving ulos, parsianbul offered an opportunity for parties to submit parboru gratitude to the family, and also to the party invitation paranak diamana hasuhuton existing parboru asked to stand on the podium.

Then followed the paranak expressed his gratitude to the family, and also to the party invitation paranak diamana hasuhuton paranak at the podium asked to stand and closed delivery acknowledgments initiated by the bride and groom. Parsianbul will memeimpin show "olop-olop" the statement shows great fondness for the implementation of the event properly and safely. The event was marked by mutual give-olop olop some money in the plate (which has been filled with rice) diamana money is usually worth about ten thousand dollars. With the number of seventy-strands with one strand of the great value that will be given to parsianbul. Both parsianbul parboru paranak and handed each a plate of money earlier. One piece that is worth big money was going to be incorporated directly into the bag while parsianbul paranak parsianbul parboru also do the same. Parsianbul paranak back to the place originally, and then parsianbul parboru will lead the closing ceremony with words like the following:

"Nunga jumpang rope Aksa ihot ni ogung Oloan, nunga denggan mardalan ulaonta do Olo-style hita masi-Oloan Paolo". Tadok olop ma-tolu olop Promised (Olop-olop, Olop-olop, Olop-olop).

Une Paulak
Finish the show-olop olop, where it also held a departure ceremony paulak une ie the bride and groom to the house / home of the groom. They will be escorted entourage parboruterdiri of the bride's sister (elder brother-namboru the bride), escorted by two of three men while traveling a distance of only 2 meters. In the event the parties parboru departure will equip children with dekke customary pohul-pohul cake and rice as a symbol of tradition. Previously, in addition to food, parboru also be dispatched his son with home furnishings including beds for children who now wear such events are rare. Introduction to the group of parties will give some money paranak commonly referred to as "memorial manaruhon" is for men called as pasituak natonggi.

Tingkir Stairs (Jenguk Home Children)
As compensation for such delivery, paranak will also deliver "Tudu, Tudu sipanganon ni" in the form of a baby pig. According to old tradition, this new event will be held one week after the event execution.


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