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HISTORY OF CULTURE | PALEMBANG DARUSSALAM SULTANATE (1550 - 1823) | The history of the Sultanate of Palembang to begin in mid-15th century in his lifetime a character named Ario Dillah or Ario Damar. He is a son of the last king of Majapahit, which represents the title of Duke of Majapahit kingdom Ario Damar in power between the years 1455-1486 in Palembang Lamo, who now is located in an area of ilir. On arrival Ario Damar to Palembang, Palembang residents and had a lot of people who converted to Islam and the Duke Ario Damar was probably later converts to Islam, said his name changed to Ario Ario Abdillah or Dillah (In the Java language = dillah = amber lights).

Ario Dillah got a gift from the King of Majapahit Last King UB V Kertabumi a Chinese wife (sometimes also called Princess Champa) who have embraced Islam and made a palace for the Princess. At this princess brought to Palembang she was pregnant, then her child was born, Raden Fatah. According to the story said in Palembang, Raden Fatah was born in a palace in the region of Palembang Ario Dillah long (1 ilir), the place was formerly called the Temple at Barrel, which now lies between PUSRI PUSRI I and II. Raden Fatah maintained and educated by Ario Dillah according to Islam and became a Muslim cleric. While the results Ario Dillah marriage with the Chinese princess, born Raden Raden Fatah frames the sister of another father.

After the Majapahit empire broke up because of the insistence of Islamic kingdoms, Sunan Ngampel, as vice Walisongo, lifting Raden Fatah became the ruler of Java, succeeding his father. Central Javanese kingdom was moved to Demak. For the assistance of other areas that have been separated from the Majapahit as Jepara, Tuban, Gresik, Raden Fatah founded the Muslim kingdom in Demak as its center (circa 1481). Raden Fatah holds Senapati Jimbun Ngabdu'r-Rahman Panembahan Sayidin Panata'Gama Palembang.

Palembang relationship with Demak
King of the Kingdom of Demak Raden Fatah died in 1518 and replaced by his son-Pati Unus or Prince Sabrang Lor who died in 1521, later replaced by brother-Pati Unus the Prince Trenggono who died in 1546 (their tombs in the courtyard Demak Mosque). After Prince's death occurred Trenggono power struggle between his brother (Prince Seda ing Lepen) and son (Prince Prawata). Seda ing Lepen Prince was eventually killed by Prince Prawata. Then Prince Prawata and their families were killed in 1549 by Prince Seda ing Lepen children named Aryan or Aryan Jipang Penangsang. Likewise son named Prince Raden Trenggono Kalinyamat of Jepara was also killed. Arya Penangsang himself killed by Adiwijaya also a son-Prince Trenggono or known as Jake, who served the Duke Tingkir Pajang ruler. Finally Sultan of Demak was moved by Jaka Tingkir Display and drop it into the history of the Kingdom of Demak. Demak kingdom only 65 years old, from year 1481 until 1546.

In the chaos that occurs upon attack by Pajang Demak, the descendants of Prince Switch Trenggono 24 people (or descendants of Raden Fatah) from the kingdom of Demak to Palembang, led by Sedo Ki Gede at sea that comes through to Palembang Surabaya and create new power to establish the kingdom of Palembang , which then lowers the kings, or the sultans of Palembang. His first palace in Kuto Hurdles, at this site right in the complex PT. Pusri, Palembang. From the form of Javanese palace on the banks of the Musi river, the Malay rulers to adapt to the surrounding environment. Acculturation and assimilation ensued an Javanese and Malay culture, known as the culture of Palembang.
Palembang relationship with Mataram

Movement of the central Javanese kingdom of Demak to cause upheaval Display only after the death of Jake Tingkir. Aryan-ruled shelf Pangiri attacked by a combination of two forces, the Prince Benowo (son Jake Tingkir excluded) and the power of Mataram (led Panembahan Senapati Senapati or Mataram, son of Kyai Kyai Gede Ageng Pemanahan or Mataram). Finally surrendered to the Senapati Aryan Pangiri Mataram and Mataram Kingdom was transferred to Display (1587) and start the history of Javanese kingdom of Mataram. Senapati Mataram itself is a descendant of Raden Fatah and Raden Trenggono still continue his dynasty in Java, so it can understand the close linkage between Palembang and Mataram in those days, which continued until the reign of King Amangkurat I (king of the fourth pedigree). Until the end of 1677 Palembang is still loyal to Mataram is regarded as its patron, especially against the kingdom of Banten. Sultan Muhammad (1580 - 1596) from the Sultanate of Banten in 1596 had invaded Palembang (Prince ruled Madi Angsoko) with a 990 boat fleet, which ended with the defeat of the Sultan of Banten and the death of Muhammad. Raid was conducted at the instigation of Prince Mas, son Aryan Pangiri of Demak.

But not long after there are groups who want to separate themselves from the bond with the younger generation in particular Java. Meanwhile, the power of the kings of Mataram also gradually reduced because of the increase of power to intervene in Mataram Dutch VOC, and thus power and relations with the regions beyond, including Palembang also stretchable.
Palembang relationship with the VOC

Palembang which originally was part of the power of Mataram began a relationship with the VOC, thus arises the suspicion of the rulers of Mataram and its impact is increasingly renggangnya Palembang relationship with Mataram. Palembang first contact with the VOC in 1610. At first many VOCs not associated with the ruler of Palembang, in addition to competition from English and Portuguese and Chinese, also the ruler of Palembang's attitude does not give much opportunity to VOCs. VOC considered too arrogant ruler of Palembang, and according to the VOC only with violence can be reduced senjatalah pride Palembang, Palembang otherwise not easily bullied away.

Sideng Kenayan during the reigns of Prince who was accompanied by his wife Queen Sinuhun in Palembang and the Governor General in Batavia Specx Jacob (1629-1632) has opened VOC Trade Representative Office (Factorij) in Palembang. The contract was signed in 1642, but the new implementation in 1662. Anthonij Boeij since 1655 was appointed as a representative VOC merchant in Palembang and while still staying on the ship because there is no place (lodges) in the ground. VOC itself has since 1619 wanted to establish lodges (office) and warehouse in Palembang. Development of stone lodges have difficulty because at the same time established among other buildings in the palace Beringin Beard, Great Mosque and the other another. At first lodge was founded on a raft, then a wooden building located in 10 Ulu now on an island surrounded by the river Musi, Aur river, river mud and the connection from the river wall. Permanent building of the new stone was made in 1742. Their behavior is not fun because, among other Palembang people he seized a Chinese junk-laden pepper.

Then replace it with Cornelis Ockerz VOC (nicknamed - the Captain length) that had been reserved to be representative in Jambi. Ockerz come twice in the month of June 1658 to Palembang last one he's holding several ships including the crown prince of Mataram. Clashes which can then be reconciled. On August 22, 1658 some nobles Palembang (al Princess Queen Gold, Yellow Pangkulu Tumenggung Good, Prince Mangkubumi Nembing Ship, Kiai Demat

1 comment:

Unknown said...

salam...adakah ada hubungan palembang dengan brunei?

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